Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Fate of Our Nation

Why do Americans continue to vote against their interest and listen to the lies that the media spews out on a regular basis? It is easy for them to believe the propaganda when it is fueled by the whole American Exceptionalism idea. Americans love believing it's us and them. They love the idea that America was founded by people who pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps. Don't get me wrong, I think it is very important for people to be industrious and do what they can to support themselves. It just takes some thought to actually realize that without a balance, these once great economic principles would eventually bury the masses once the wealthy figured out how to milk the system wholly and completely. If America doesn't wake up and realize the need for certain checks against the greed of the public sector by forcing their elected officials to overcome their own greed and enact effective legislation to create these checks, then we are a doomed nation.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. We are a nation of immigrants. We are mostly descended of immigrants. Our nation would be nothing without immigrants. We need to make it possible- legally to get a green card and eventually citizenship for anyone willing to live and work as a law abiding citizen. And, sadly, people forget easily that our prisons are filled with people born in the USA to parents and grandparents were citizens, too....but they were neglected and poorly educated here - in America- and choose to commit crimes- for which ALL tax payers pay- daily. Maybe we should all look to the examples of many of the illegal immigrants and see how hard they work- pulling themselves up by their boot straps, while our policies make it impossible for them to do better than barely survive. They work harder than we do- with less rights. What if the Native Americans had treated the pilgrims of the Mayflower like Americans today treat many of the recent immigrants? Did the Indians deport our forefathers? Well, that is a rather complicated story,....but we sure made our way into America in a brutal fashion. At least most immigrants today just want to come to work and get educated-not send us to reservations and take our land away.
